Thursday, September 24, 2009

Writing Journal Assignment #3

Hello Everyone,

For your third Writing Journal assignment, please read the following article: “Compassion Compulsion and the Mentally Ill" by E. Fuller Torrey, Wall Street Journal. (Eastern Edition). New York, N.Y.: Jun 9, 2008. p. A.17

- From Falvey Library's homepage (on the left side), choose "Databases A-Z."
- Then choose "ABI/INFORM Global (ProQuest)."
- Next, click on the "Publications" tab.
- Choose Wall Street Journal: Eastern Edition.
- Write the article’s title or author in the “Search for articles . . .” data field, and perform your search.

You’re welcome to respond to the article however you wish. I do encourage you, though, to consider the following:

Do you think the ideas discussed in the article need to be treated as a homelessness issue, a mental health issue, or something else? Why?

Consider the arguments both for and against keeping people with severe mental illnesses confined to institutions. Which arguments do you find to be persuasive? Why? Which arguments are weak? Why?

Suppose the medical community determines that a person must take medication, otherwise he may become a danger to himself and others. What can or should be done if he refuses? Do such patients have a right to refuse treatment?

Please include the following information as a heading on your work:
Your name
Eng1050 – 20
Writing Journal Assignment #3

Please post your Writing Journal response to this article (200 - 250 words) by Thursday, October 1, 2009.

Have a good day.

Mr. Dierkes

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Jen Thomson

Jen Thomson
English 1050-20
Writing Assignment #2

I believe that today’s society has become run based on the ability to multitask. With computers and other technology so prominent, the work force expects a prompt response to responsibilities. This forces people to pay attention to e-mail or their phones while in the middle of other tasks. It almost seems primitive for someone not to be multitasking. In fact, I believe that today’s generation has become use to paying attention to so much at once that there has developed an ADHD like attention span where we become bored too easily and therefore perform multiple activities at once.
While one might argue that this affects performance negatively, I myself have not noticed a difference in grades. I’m able to have the TV on, text my friends, check facebook, and write a paper while maintaining above average grades. Why bore myself by focusing on one thing when I can accomplish a plethora while socializing with friends? Even if a person focuses solely on one thing at a time, the likelihood that they will zone out counteracts this supposed focus.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Writing Journal Assignment #2

Hello Everyone,

For your second Writing Journal assignment, please read the following article: “You Have Too Much Mail" by Christopher F. Chabris, Wall Street Journal. (Eastern Edition). New York, N.Y.: Dec 15, 2008. p. A.17

- From Falvey Library's homepage (on the left side), choose "Databases A-Z."
- Then choose "ABI/INFORM Global (ProQuest)."
- Next, click on the "Publications" tab.
- Choose Wall Street Journal: Eastern Edition.
- Write the article’s title or author in the “Search for articles . . .” data field, and perform your search.

You’re welcome to respond to the article however you wish. I do encourage you, though, to consider the following:

Consider the situation described in the first paragraph. How does it compare to your own experience?

Do you accept the writer’s ideas about technology’s affect on productivity? why or why not?
Do you agree with the writer’s ideas about multi-tasking and our brains’ limits when paying careful attention? why or why not?

Are the writer’s ideas about the “mismatch between our modern lives and ancient brains” persuasive? why or why not?

Please include the following information as a heading on your work:

Your name
Eng1050 – 20
Writing Journal Assignment #2

Please post your Writing Journal response to this article (200 - 250 words) by Thursday, September 24, 2009.

Have a good day.

Mr. Dierkes

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Writing Journal Assignment #1

Hello Everyone,

For your first Writing Journal assignment, please read the following article: “Truth: Can You Handle It?" by Monica Hesse, April 27, 2008. p. M01

- Go to the website for
- Then choose " Web: Results by Google" (next to the SEARCH: data field).
- Next, Type the article’s title in the SEARCH: data field, and perform your search.

You’re welcome to respond to the article however you wish. I do encourage you, though, to consider the following:

Consider Monica Hesse’s points. How does your own experience confirm or disprove what she says about conducting research in the current information age?

Considering the author’s explanation of “wikiality,” what (if anything) can students do to avoid that trap? What are some possible consequences of this phenomenon?

The author mentions the notion of discerning fact from opinion. How do you yourself tell the difference (in your sources for news, for instance)?

What do you think about the amount of time the one student, Hillary Swain, is willing to spend “to track down an answer before giving up”? How much time do you think is reasonable?

What can be done to encourage students to use research as an opportunity to educate themselves and deepen their knowledge rather than a chance to reinforce their own beliefs?

Please include the following information as a heading on your work:

Your name
Eng1050 – 20
Writing Journal Assignment #1

Please post your Writing Journal response to this article (200 - 250 words) by Thursday, September 17, 2009.

Have a good day.

Mr. Dierkes