Thursday, October 1, 2009

Writing Journal Assignment #4

Hello Everyone,

For your fourth Writing Journal assignment, please read the following article: “English: It’s the Real Thing - As a college major, the language has more going for it than just Shakespeare." Lisa Stefany, Philadelphia Inquirer. Friday, August 21, 2009.
- From Falvey Library's homepage (on the left side), choose "Databases A-Z."
- Then choose " Philadelphia Inquirer."
- Write the article’s title in the “Search” data field, and perform your search.

You’re welcome to respond to the article however you wish. I do encourage you, though, to consider the following:

Do you know of any current rhyming advertisements or political slogans that illustrate Lisa Stefany’s ideas, or do you remember any from the past? What are they? What makes them memorable?

Considering the “four words” the author mentions that characterized a political campaign: What is it that makes an advertisement or slogan memorable to you?”

Can you take an advertisement’s slogan (examples— “Just Do It” (Nike) or “Dude, you're getting a Dell”) and turn it into a memorable rhyme?

What do you think about Ken Steele’s quotation? Would you expect her to hire an English major to work in her organization? Why or why not?

Did any of the author’s ideas surprise you? If so, which ones came as a surprise?

Please include the following information as a heading on your work:
Your name
Eng1050 – 20
Writing Journal Assignment #4

Please post your Writing Journal response to this article / topic (200 - 250 words) by Thursday, October 8, 2009.

Have a good day.

Mr. Dierkes